
Our team currently have 27 employees, the majority based in Gothenburg.

We offer cutting edge competence in relation to Newbuilds & Projects, Energy Transition, Digital Transformation & Procurement.

We are supporting on-site inspection teams that supervise and monitor the construction of our ships at the shipyards. Currently, we have site offices in China and Türkiye.

Technical Director

Ron Gerlach

Dipl.-Ing., Naval Architect
Technical Director


  • Project Management
  • Commercial Management
  • Newbuilding Supervision
  • Naval Architecture


Technical Director since 2021. Held various positions within the Stena Sphere since 2002.

Trade Director Germany, Stena Line GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, 2015 – 2021

Director of Ship Management, Northern Marine Ferries, Glasgow, 2013 – 2015

Project Services Manager, Tritec Marine Ltd., Glasgow, 2010 – 2013

Construction Manager, Stena RoRo, South Korea, 2009 – 2010

Newbuilding Surveyor, Northern Marine Management, South Korea/China, 2005 – 2009

Naval Architect, Tritec Marine Ltd., Glasgow, 2004 – 2005

Business Coordinator

Camilla Stensdotter

Newbuilds & Projects

Head of Newbuilds & Projects, Deputy Technical Director

Jacob Norrby

MSc Naval Architecture
Deputy Technical Director
Head of Newbuilds & Projects


  • Project Management
  • Vessel Newbuilding
  • Concept Design
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Low Carbon Solutions


In this position since 2021.

Headed the Hydromechanics group until 2021.

Employed by Stena Teknik  in 1999.

Previous employment with Lloyd’s Register 1991-1999 (rule development, plan approval, surveyor existing ships and newbuilds).

Newbuild experience from RoRos, RoPaxes, Crude Tankers and Chemical/Product Tankers.

Numerous vessel concept design projects and R&D projects.

Project Manager

Martin Ahlstrand

MSc Naval Architect
Project Manager


  • Development and construction, with focus on stability, propulsion, ship motion and weight control of Semi Submersibles, Drillships and RoPax


Employed by Stena in 2006. Previously employed by GVA Consultants 2001-2006

Project Manager

Jörgen Andersson

MSc Naval Architect
Core Competence Lead – Structures & Materials
Project Manager


  • Structural basic and detail design
  • Corrosion, painting and material
  • Vibration and noise
  • Light weight design
  • Working environment
  • Maintenance and dry dockings


Employed by Stena since 1991. Experience from Development, construction and maintenance of High speed vessel, oil tankers and drilling vessels Participated in various R&D and conversion projects.

Worked in Korea at SHI as construction manager for the DrillMAX newbuilding project between 2006 and 2012.

Project Manager

Nicolas Bathfield

Dipl.-Ing., Institut Mines-Télécom
MSc Naval Architect
Project Manager


  • Hydrodynamics
  • Dynamic Positioning
  • Stability


Employed at Stena Teknik since 2022. Previous experiences at SSPA (2008-2017 and 2020-2022) as Resistance, propulsion CFD and optimization specialist, and Ulstein group as Manager Hydrodynamics and Stability (2017-2020). Post-graduate student in CFD at Chalmers 2004-2007, and outfitting engineer at Bureau Mauric (2007).

Project Manager

Martin Carlsson

MSc Naval Architect
Project Manager


  • Fire Safety
  • RoRo cargo handling and equipment
  • Project Management
  • International regulatory development


Employed at Stena Teknik since 2019, working with fire safety of RoRo and RoPax ships. Previous employments include Lloyds Register and TTS Marine. Martin also has experience from working as deck hand at Stena Line before studying Naval Architecture.

Project Manager

Martin Eklund

BSc Marine Engineering
Chief Engineer
Project Manager


  • Machinery & Systems
  • Operations (Deep sea & Drilling)
  • Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system


Started with Stena 2000 on the Don project

Operational and project Chief Engineer

Project Manager shipping and offshore (3rd party supplier)

Project Manager for EAM

Asset Performance Superintendent

Project Manager

Lisa Gustin

MSc Naval Architect
Project Manager


  • Structural design
  • Areas related to structural design for example corrosion, paint and lightweight structures.


Employed by Stena since Mars 2010. Graduated from Chalmers in 2010. Experience from working onboard ships as an officer in the Royal Swedish Navy.

Project Manager

Joacim Lottkärr

Master Mariner
Project Manager


  • Nautical issues
  • Energy efficiency
  • Commercial Tanker OperationCommercial Tanker Operation


Employed by Stena in 2009. Commercial Operations Manager at Stena Bulk 2011-2013. Previous employment at Broström, DFDS Tor Line, Ektank. Experience as Tanker Operator and seagoing experience as 2nd and chief Mate, onboard Tanker and RoRo vessels.

Project Manager

Christian Magnusson

MSc Maritime Management
Chief Engineer
Project Manager


  • Machinery and systems
  • Operation


Sea going experience from multipurpose vessels, offshore drilling, high speed and RoPax ferries. Semi-submersible new building project Stena Midmax.

Project Manager

Lars Pennman

Naval Architect, Chief Engineer
Project Manager


  • Marine Engineering
  • Machinery systems and
  • Fuels


Employed by Stena in 2001. Been at sea as Engineer on RoRo, Bulk and Tank.
Site Manager, newbuildings Suezmax tanker project at Samsung HI.
Currently working as site manager at GSI site office for IMOIIMAX newbuilding.

Project Manager

Hans Tistrand

MSc Naval Architect
Core Competence Lead – Machinery & Systems
Project Manager


  • Machinery & Systems design
  • Efficient Design


Employed by Stena in 1999. Experience from newbuilding projects and development projects

Project Manager

Marcus Wallenborg

M.Sc. Naval Architecture 
Project Manager


  • Structural design.
  • Materials and welding.
  • Shipyard site supervision.
  • Project Management.


Employed at Stena Teknik since 2022. Previously employed by DNV (2009-2022) as approval expert responsible for disciplines such as structural and fire safety, and project management of Newbuilding projects. Experience from shipyard supervision in S.Korea following the delivery of 9 VLCC’s as a class surveyor.

Energy Transition & Digital Transformation

Head of Energy Transition

Peter Björkborg

MSc Informatics
Sustainability, Energy & Digitalization Strategist


  • Maritime decarbonization
  • Commercial applications of alternative marine fuels
  • Energy transition strategy
  • Digital business development


Employed by Stena since 2011. Started as a project manager in software engineering and gradually moved towards business development on the digital side. Have been working increasingly with sustainability and energy since 2019, focusing on commercially applied decarbonization and implementation of alternative fuels, in particular methanol. Seven years experience from tanker shipping, working with business transformation and decarbonization. Joined Stena Teknik in 2024.

2023-2024: General Manager Sustainability & Transformation, Stena Bulk
2019-2023: Manager Sustainability & Transformation, Stena Bulk
2017-2019: Business Transformation Manager, Stena Bulk
2014-2016: Technology Business Manager, Stena Rederi
2011-2014: Project Manager and Team Leader, Stena Line

Regulatory Advisor & Maritime Sustainability Expert

Eleanor Franklin

LL.M. Energy and Environmental Law
BSc (Hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology
Regulatory Advisor & Maritime Sustainability Expert 


  • Maritime decarbonization strategies
  • Business development of energy systems
  • Environmental Law
  • International and EU regulations and policies for the energy transition


Eleanor joined Stena Teknik in November 2023. Previously employed at bp (2014 – 2023) and bringing experience focused on chemical engineering and decarbonizing fossil fuel dominated systems. Educated in Energy and Environmental Law, and its practical application to the energy transition.

Life Cycle Specialist

Dinis Oliveira

PhD Maritime Environment & Energy Systems
Life Cycle Specialist


  • Maritime Environmental Science
  • Decarbonization and Life Cycle aspects
  • Sustainability criteria for future fuels


Part of Stena Teknik’s Sustainability & Energy team formed August 2022, supporting the transition to sustainable shipping and offshore businesses. Previously employed at Stena Line, with experience in sustainability reporting and planning.

Academic background in biochemical engineering and shipping’s energy efficiency, through best practices in marine fouling control through antifouling and in-water maintenance.

Data Science Lead

Vishnu Prakash

PhD Energy & Economics
MSc Econometrics
BSc Economics
Data Science Lead


  • Data science, machine learning, and AI, applied to commercial decision making, market analysis, as well as decarbonisation and emissions
  • Project management and leadership
  • Project development and fundraising
  • Sustainability strategy and implementation
  • Scenario analysis and techno-economic modelling


Vishnu Prakash leads our efforts in data science and decarbonisation at Stena Teknik, working to deliver impact by reducing emissions across the company’s shipping portfolio. He is an Economist by background, with a PhD in Energy and Economics. He joined Stena Teknik after four years at Stena Bulk as Head of Data Science. Prior to joining Stena, Vishnu worked in research and consulting, guiding both private corporations and public institutions in understanding shipping markets, trading, and decarbonisation.


Head of Procurement & Data

Henrik Wangeby

Industrial, Financial Economy
Head of Procurement and Data


  • Purchasing
  • Manage Capex Investments
  • Process Industry


Employed by Stena Teknik in 2015

Global Purchasing, SCA Hygiene Products, 2010-2015

Purchasing Manager, Gustav Fagerberg AB, 2000-2010

Central Purchasing, Indutrade AB, 2001-2010

Central Purchasing, Hexagon, 2000-2001

Sales, Gustav Fagerberg AB, 1997-2000

Procurement Manager

Fredrik Efraimsson

MSc Naval Architect
Procurement Manager


  • Arctic Technology
  • Stability & Hydrodynamics
  • Dynamic Positioning


Employed by Stena since 2008. Experience from development and construction of Drillship, RoPax and Tanker vessels. Also been involved in various R&D projects, mainly regarding fuel efficiency, ice management and dynamic positioning.

IT Sourcing

Pia Ålander

IT Sourcing


  • Manage consultancy agreements and price negotiations
  • Responsible for CMS for IT Sourcing contracts


Employed at Stena since 2003.

Started at AB Stena Finance as Executive Assistant and Coordinator.

2017 employed at Stena Rederi as Executive Assistant within Group IT.

Joined the Sourcing team in the summer of 2020 and Stena Teknik in 2023.

Previous experience from Logistics, employed by several suppliers in the automotive industry.